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"I am of Love;   I am of Repentance;  I am of Forgiveness;   I am of Gratitude" 

Hawai`ian Cleansing Prayer


A Step - by Step Guide To A Better Life

What Is It?

Hoʻoponopono is the Hawaiian practice of re-connection, correction, forgiveness, gratitude, and creating a good life..

Ho`o in Hawai`ian is a causative prefix added to nouns to create action (changes work into to work, love into to love, etc.). Pono is; goodness, righteousness, a true condition or nature; completely, exactly, carefully, and satisfactorily. Because there are only 13 letters in the Hawai`ian  alphabet, many words have multiple meanings. Ho`oponopono translates to modern English as ’to make completely true and right’.

Some practitioners say that the word translates to ’connection’, but I have been taught that this is not necessarily incorrect but incomplete.

Ho`oponopono teaches that there is a Divine Creator who/that supersedes the altruistic natures of humans, and that we must reconnect to that part, and seek forgiveness for our departures. It teaches that we do this through the realigning of the Conscious, Subconscious, and Super-Conscious minds and living by the 3 Prime Laws of Life. Through ho`oponopono, we are able to live the lives that we truly desire.

Ho`oponopono has been practiced for generations throughout the Polynesia although not by that name. The traditional practice of connecting to the Giver of All Life (Akua), correcting ma`i (illness) and kapu (spirituality) to restore and maintain relationships was performed by a kahu (master or pastor), kahuna (priest or spiritual leader), or Kahiko aʻe (eldest family member). Today, a trained and certified coach often leads the practice.

How Does It Work?

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          Simply stated, it is a study and  

          understanding of our beings 

          and our connection to the Divine

          (whatever you deem that to be).

          It is an understanding

of the 3 consciousnesses (Super-conscious, Conscious, Subconscious) and how to align them in order to have a healthy and well-adjusted MEPS (Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual) make-up. It is an understanding of the 3 Prime Laws of Life (Love [Attraction], Forgiveness, Gratitude), and how to apply them together with the other understandings toward living a life of our grandest desires.


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